Sunday, April 24, 2011

.:POETRY TERMS:. Extended Metaphor ♥

When a metaphor is extended in a poem, when many things are compared at once.

My family is an expired firecracker
Set off by the blowtorch of divorce,
We lay scattered in many directions.
My father is the wick,
Badly burnt but still glowing softly.
My mother is the blackened paper fluttering down,
Blowing this way and that,
Unsure where to land.
My sister is the fallen, colorful parachute,
Lying in a tangled knot, unable to see the beauty she holds.
My brother is the fresh, untouched powder
That was protected from the flame.
And I, I am the singed, outside papers,
Curled away from everything,
Silently cursing the blowtorch.

Extended metaphors are important because they show how just one subject can relate to so many different other things. It shows strong emphasis on what the author is trying to compare it to.

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